現在使用しているMOD - プラグイン一覧

2015-04-10 / 2025-01-10

現在使用しているMODのプラグイン(ESM、ESP)一覧です。Wrye Bashの「List Mods」をHTML化しました。

2025-01-10 作成

Oblivion Wrye Bash

List Mods

Wrye Bash:313.202406141906
Active Plugins
00Oblivion.esm#Official Files
01MergedLOD.esmULP v1_0-54727
02SettlementsOfCyrodiil.esmSettlements of Cyrodiil Resource Pack v1_3
03IWRRetrofittedMaster.esmIllumination Within Revived Rettrofitted v1_0-11027
04Cobl Main.esmCobl v1_74-21104
05Fundament.esmFundament v4_03-41005
06Slim.esm#Slim v0_5 without MBP
07Av Latta Magicka.esmAv Latta Magicka v1_25-49096
08Cobl Glue.espCobl v1_74-21104
09Unofficial Oblivion Patch.espUnofficial Oblivion Patch v3_5_8-5296
++Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.espUnofficial Oblivion Patch v3_5_8-5296
0ADLCShiveringIsles.esp#Official Files
0BUnofficial Shivering Isles Patch.espUnofficial Shivering Isles Patch v1_6_1-10739
0CCobl Si.espCobl v1_74-21104
++Cobl Tweaks - SI.espCobl v1_74-21104
0DDLCHorseArmor.esp#Official Files
0EDLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.espUnofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969
0FDLCOrrery.esp#Official Files
10DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.espUnofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969
11DLCVileLair.esp#Official Files
12DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.espUnofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969
13DLCMehrunesRazor.esp#Official Files
14DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.espUnofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969
15DLCSpellTomes.esp#Official Files
++DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.espUnofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969
16DLCThievesDen.esp#Official Files
17DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.espUnofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969
18DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.espUnofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969
19DLCBattlehornCastle.esp#Official Files
1ADLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.espUnofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969
1BDLCFrostcrag.esp#Official Files
1CDLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.espUnofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969
1DKnights.esp#Official Files
1EKnights - Unofficial Patch.espUnofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969
1FBetter Dungeons.espBetter Dungeons v14-40392
20IWRRetrofittedWindows.espIllumination Within Revived Rettrofitted v1_0-11027
21IWRRetrofittedLights.espIllumination Within Revived Rettrofitted v1_0-11027
22Glowing Varla & Welkynd Stones.espGlowing Varla and Welkynd Stones
23ILOO.espILOO - Interior Lighting Oblivion Overhaul v1_0_1-53298
24OCRAFT.espOCRAFT v1_03-51796
25Travelers of Cyrodiil.espTravelers of Cyrodiil v2_2-47619
26MikaBeautifulCity.espCyrodiil Landscape Design v1_2 Lite-52533
**Cava Obscura - Cyrodiil.espCava Obscura v1_4-35099
27OCRAFT - Integration.espOCRAFT v1_03-51796
++Location Names With Enemy Tags.espLocation Names With Enemy Tags v1_1 Fix-33637
280ICWindowsmodwithinteriors.espWindow models for imperial city v1_2 with ILOO-54391
29Alternative Beginnings.espAlternative Beginnings v1_4_6-37382
++Balanced NPC Level Cap.espBalanced NPC Level Cap v2_00-50094
2AOblivion_Character_Overhaul.espOCOv2 - Advanced Edition - Vanilla Hairstyles v1_5-52010
**Oblivion_Character_Overhaul_Faces.espOCOv2 - Advanced Edition - Vanilla Hairstyles v1_5-52010
2BEnemies Eat and Sleep.espEnemies Eat and Sleep v2_0-53589
2CSkyrim Ingredients.espSkyrim Ingredients v1_2-41348
**OCOv2 - DLC Addon.espOblivion Character Overhaul v2 - DLC Addon v1_2-52405
2DDelay DLC Start.espDelay DLC Start v1_2-52871
**Improved NPC Faces for OCOv2.espImproved NPC Faces for OCOv2 v4_7-51971
2ELegion Forester Outposts.espLegion Forester Outposts Revisited v2_1-51512
2FTeleportation Services.espTeleportation Services v1_0_3-50141
30Rebalanced and Unleveled QGR.espRebalanced and Unleveled Quest Gold Rewards v1_4-49611
31LessStaticNPCs.espLess Static NPCs - cleaned and UOP compatible v1_2-52833
32Diverse Highwaymen.espDiverse Highwaymen v1_3_1-53223
33Bandit Hideouts.espBandit Hideouts v1_0_1 Fix-11260
34Smarter Bandits.espSmarter Bandits v1_1 Fix-23296
35Bralsa Andaren Camp.espBralsa Andaren's Camp v1_0-50233
++Av Latta Magicka - Shock Ring Addon.espAv Latta Magicka - Shock Ring Addon v1_2-52918
++UOPTalosBridgeCollisionFix.espUOP Talos Bridge Collision Fix v1_0-53283
++LoadingScreens.espLoading Screens Themed Replacer v1_0-13012
36NAO.espNAO - Natural and Atmospheric Oblivion v1_0-50923
++NAO - Vanilla Clouds.espNAO - Vanilla Clouds Patch
**Symphony of Violence.espSymphony of Violence v0_5-13987
++GOSH - Pickup & Drop.espGOSH - Pickup and Drop v1_0-54508
37IWRRetrofitted - IC Temple Fix.esp#Illumination Within Revived Retrofitted Patch
++IWRRetrofitted - no Blue Window.esp#Illumination Within Revived Retrofitted Patch
38IWRRetrofitted - Skingrad Chapel Fix.esp#Illumination Within Revived Retrofitted Patch
39Light Your Way - SFID.esp#Actors Have Torches - Light Your Way
3AMenu and Camera Toggler.espMenu and Camera Toggler v1_2-39435
3BMore Fresh Juice.esp#OCRAFT Patch
3CMore Cooked Food.esp#OCRAFT Patch
3DOCRAFT - More Station.esp#OCRAFT Patch
3EOCRAFT - Cobl Glue.espOCRAFT - Cobl Glue v1_0-54430
3FSkyrim Ingredients Patch.esp#Skyrim Ingredients Patch
40SOC - Cornucopia.espSettlements of Cyrodiil - Cornucopia v1_0-51634
++SOC - Ingredients Effect Glitch Fix.esp#Settlements of Cyrodiil Patch
++SOC - Cornucopia Patch.esp#Settlements of Cyrodiil Patch
41AoG - Is Anybody Home.espIs Anybody Home v1-48200
42Climb.espMaskars Climbing Standalone v1_0-48498
43DarNifiedUI Config Addon.espDarNifiedUI Config Addon v1_4-34792
44FormID Finder4.espFormID Finder v4_5_1-16704
++ELFforFormIDFinder.espELF for FormID Finder v1_00-50892
45LINK.espLink Plus Plus v0_1_4-53352
46MigFEA.espFundament Enchanting Addons v2_1_3-41553
++FEA Enhanced.espFEA Enhanced v1_0-49214
47MigTraining.espDynamic Training Cost v1_1-46373
48QZ Easy Menus.espQZ Easy Menus v1_03-23404
49Improved Chests.espImproved Chests v1_13-51815
4ABibliophilia.espBibliophilia v1_0-51251
4BStatus Bars for Needs.espStatus Bars for Needs v2_0_3-53229
4CArea Harvest.espArea Harvest v1_1_2-50219
4DHarvest [Flora].espHarvest Flora v3_0_1 Fix-2037
++Area Harvest Harvest Flora Patch.espArea Harvest Harvest Flora Compatibility Patch v1_0_0 Fix-51181
4EConvenient Open Spells.espConvenient Open Spells v1_0-53163
4FTake or Equip.espTake or Equip v1_6_4-52733
50MarkOrUnmarkAsQuestItem.espMark Or Unmark As Quest Item v3-49181
51Near Miss Alerts.espNear Miss Alerts v1_0-50936
52Brooms Tidy Up.espBrooms Tidy Up v0_0_2-50864
53SB_WeaponDropFix.espSB Weapon Drop Fix v1_1-50223
54lBookworm.espBookworm v1_1_1-49769
55Potion Naming.espCustom Potion Naming v1_0_1-49614
++Potion Naming - Av Latta Magicka Patch.esp#Custom Potion Naming Patch
++Potion Naming - Script Fix.esp#Custom Potion Naming Patch
56Extended UI.espExtended UI v1_11_1-50135
57AutoHaggle.espAutoHaggle v1_1-52532
58lSortYourStuff.espSort your Stuff - Universal Alchemy Sorter and More v1_2-49140
59BrumaGuildReconstructed.espBruma Guild Reconstructed v1_0_3-39415
5AKnightsShrineOfKynarethMapMarker.espKnights Shrine Of Kynareth Map Marker v1_0-54434
5BStoneMarkers.espDoomstone and Runestone Map Markers v1_1-48667
5CWayshrineMapMarkers.espWayshrine Map Markers v1_1-48729
5DAyleidWellMapMarkers.espAyleid Well Map Markers v1_0-54433
5EEnhanced Hotkeys.espEnhanced Hotkeys v2_3_1-34735
**EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.espSR- OCOv2 44676 v1_5a-45859
**APFA_Refined.espAssorted Protective Female Armors Refined v1_0-50806
5FLeather Armor N.espNew Leather Armor LowRes v1_01-53191
60De Rerum Dirennis.espDe Rerum Dirennis v1_05-53020
61ProtocolledDialogs.espProtocolled Dialogs v1_1_0
**LFO - Humans Addon.espLegion Forester Outposts Revisited v2_1-51512
62StopDarkBrotherhood.espStop Darkbrotherhood v1_10-14127
++BrumaGuildReconstructed - Teleportation Services Patch.esp#Bruma Guild Reconstructed Patch
++BrumaGuildReconstructed - ILOO Patch.esp#Bruma Guild Reconstructed Patch
**EVE_KnightsoftheNine.espSR- OCOv2 44676 v1_5a-45859
++Vendors Sell Spell Tomes.espVendors Sell Spell Tomes v1_0_1-51401
63MI_ElvenHome.espLyria - The Ayleid House v1_0-53704
64MI_ElvenHome - OCRAFT Patch.esp#Lyria - The Ayleid House Patch
65MI_ElvenHome - Chorrol Door.esp#Lyria - The Ayleid House Patch
++Teleportation Services - Portal Conflict Fix.esp#Teleportation Services Patch
++Balanced NPC Level Cap - DLC Patches.espBalanced NPC Level Cap v2_00-50094
++Balanced Creatures.espBalanced Creature Stats v1_0_4-49194
++Balanced Creatures - DLC.espBalanced Creature Stats v1_0_4-49194
**Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.espHarvest Flora v3_0_1 Fix-2037
**Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.espHarvest Flora v3_0_1 Fix-2037
**Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.espHarvest Flora v3_0_1 Fix-2037
++Actually Useful Books.espActually Useful Books v1_0_1-52821
++Better Dungeons - Balance Patch.espBetter Dungeons - Balance Patch v1_0-52558
++DaedricRequirements.espFame Based Daedric Quest Requirements v1_2-42614
66DS Storage Sacks.espStorage Sacks v1_3-25012
**Female Amulets.espVanilla Amulets fix for HGEC v0_9b-47583
67Fleshed Out Necromancers.espFleshed-Out Necromancers v1_0-49681
++Fleshed Out Necromancers - Better Dungeons Patch.esp#Fleshed-Out Necromancers Patch
**Glowing Fractured Soulgems.espGlowing Fractured Soulgems v1_2-49962
++Glowing Fractured Soulgems - Morrowind-like Icons.esp#Glowing Fractured Soulgems Patch
68Immersive Necro and Conj Loot.espImmersive Necromancer and Conjurer Loot v1_0_0-50497
++Immersive Necro and Conj Loot - Soul Gem Fix.esp#Immersive Necro and Conj Loot Patch
**More_Merchant_Gold.espMore Merchant Gold v1_1 Fix-48530
69Mercantile Fix.espMercantile Experience Fix v1_00-50204
6AOblivion AI Improvement - Search Distance.espOblivion AI Improvement - Search Distance v1_0-53562
++Quest NPCs Run.espQuest NPCs Run v1_7 Fix-49893
++Quest NPCs Run - Filter Patch for Mods.espQuest NPCs Run - Filter Patch for Mods v1_0-49893
++RebalancedArenaGoldRewards.espRebalanced Arena Gold Rewards v1_1-49866
6BRespawningPearlsGemsGoldSilver.espRespawning Pearl Clams and Ore Veins with Gems v1_0_0-50040
6CToggleable Quantity Prompt.espToggleable Quantity Prompt v3_2_0-12859
++Voices for Female Dremora NPCs.espVoices for Female Dremora NPCs v1_0-52498
6DRagdolls.espRagdolls v1_1-51844
**Ragdolls for Oblivion - Filter Patch for Mods.espRagdolls for Oblivion - Filter Patch for Mods v1_3-52804
**Imperial Legion Consistency Tweaks.espImperial Legion Consistency Tweaks v1_3-53036
++Better Traps.espBetter Traps v1_0-47713
++Balanced Creatures - Knights.esp#DLC Patch
6EBasic Primary Needs.espBasic Primary Needs v6_3-37088
++Basic Primary Needs - Rename Patch.esp#Basic Primary Needs Patch
6FRealisticMagicForceLow.espRealistic Physics and Force Package v1_0-5197
++spelllightfix.espSpell light patch v1 Fix-48139
70StrongholdTeleport.espStronghold Teleport v2_31-34377
71RefScope.espRefScope v2_1_2-21862
++HueBalancedBirthsigns.espBirthsigns for Av Latta Magicka v1_0-53652
++Av Latta Magicka - Detect Attitude Patch.esp#Av Latta Magicka Patch
72More Summons.espMore Summons v1_0-53040
++More Summons - Spell Tomes DLC Addon.espMore Summons v1_0-53040
++Balanced Unleveled Rewards - Spells.esp#Magic Patch
73MigLockpicking.espReal Time Lockpicking - Ultimate Leveling Compatible ESP Replacer v1_0-49898
74kuerteeCrimeHasWitnesses.espCrime Has Witness Responsibility Tweak v0_53-33682
75Enhanced Grabbing.espPiiiP - Enhanced Grabbing v05-19847
76HumantouchNPC.espHumantouchNPC v2_3a EV Fix
++RCB - Realistic Combat Behaviour.espRealistic Combat Behaviour - Vanilla v2_2_1-51422
++RCB - Knightso9 Patch.espRealistic Combat Behaviour Patches v2_2_0-51422
++RCB - UOP Patch.espRealistic Combat Behaviour Patches v2_2_0-51422
++YJsDeadlyWeaponDamage.espDeadly Weapon Damage v2019-49407
77Ultimate Leveling.espUltimate Leveling v1_9_5_2-49134
++Ultimate Leveling - Selling Power Scroll.esp#Ultimate Leveling Patch
++Ultimate Leveling - Morrowind-like KCAS.esp#Ultimate Leveling Patch
78GPCrafting.espOCRAFT Crafting Skill v1_0_1-52397
**Cava Obscura - SI.espCava Obscura v1_4-35099
**OCO Eye Glow Revised.espOCO Eye Glow Revised v1_1_1-53033
**Better Baurus For OCOv2 (Younger Version).espBetter Baurus for OCOv2 (Younger Version) Latest-51971
++OCOv2 - Elf Ear Color Fix.esp#OCOv2 Patch
**Initial Glow Redux.espInitial Glow Redux v_3-46961
79Equipment Set.esp#Equipment Set for Player
7AEquipment Set - Alternative Beginnings.esp#Equipment Set for Player
7BSlim - Race Data Patch.esp#Slim v0_5 without MBP
7CAscension.espAscension v1_3_5-50237
7DOCRAFT - Ascension.esp#OCRAFT Patch
7ECreature Diversity.espCreature Diversity v1_14b-26634
++Ascension - Better Clutter Icons.espAscension - Better Clutter Icons v1_2-52127
++Ascension - Creature Diversity Patch Modified.espAscension - Creature Diversity Patch v1_04 Fix-50237
7FAscension - Creature Addon.espAscension Creature Addon v0_1_0
++Ascension - UOP Patch.espAscension - All-in-One Push's Tweaks v1_3_2-50237
80Av Latta Magicka.espAv Latta Magicka v1_25-49096
81Mysticism and Soul Gem Tweaks.espMysticism and Soul Gem Tweaks - Ascension v1_2_1-52152
++Ascension - Better Leveled Creatures.espAscension - Better Leveled Creatures v1_0-54309
82Balanced Unleveled Rewards - Complete.espBalanced Unleveled Rewards - All-in-One v1_0_6-51050
83Creature Spawn Chance Fix.espCreature Spawn Chance Fix v1_01-50261
++Av Latta Magicka - Rebalance Complete.espAv Latta Magicka v1_25-49096
**PotionReplacer.espRetextured Potions v1_2-49068
++Sensible Sneak.espSensible Sneak v1_0-53475
++Food Item Flag Fix.esp#Ingredient Patch
84Enemy Spell Variety.espEnemy Spell Variety v1_0-53501
++Ingredients Convert.esp#Ingredient Patch
++Better Merchant Items.espBetter Unique Merchant Items v1_1-53000
85xulImperialIsle.espUnique Landscapes - Imperial Isle v2_0_2-9531
**Cava Obscura - Filter Patch For Mods.espCava Obscura Filter Patch for Mods v1_4_1-35099
++DispMiscPatch_OCRAFT - Filter Patch for Mods.espMiscellaneous Patch Collection by Dispensation v1_2_2-52874
**LoadingScreens - Filter Patch For Mods.espLSTR - Filter Patch For Mods v1_1-53321
**OCOv2 - Filter Patch for Mods.espOCOv2 - Filter Patch for Mods v2_0_2-51379
++Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.espCobl v1_74-21104
++BasicHarvestFilterPatch.espBasic Harvest v1_4-51833
86Bashed Patch, 0.esp


    Sublime Text
    Tablacus Explorer
    Alchemy and Crafting
    Body, Head and Hair
    Construction Set
    Immersion and Realism
    Locations and Player Homes
    Magic and Enchantments
    MODs List
    Pose and Animation
    Skills and Leveling
    User Interfaces
    Wrye Bash