現在使用しているMODのプラグイン(ESM、ESP)一覧です。Wrye Bashの「List Mods」をHTML化しました。
2025-01-10 作成
Order | Plugin | Package |
00 | Oblivion.esm | #Official Files |
01 | MergedLOD.esm | ULP v1_0-54727 |
02 | SettlementsOfCyrodiil.esm | Settlements of Cyrodiil Resource Pack v1_3 |
03 | IWRRetrofittedMaster.esm | Illumination Within Revived Rettrofitted v1_0-11027 |
04 | Cobl Main.esm | Cobl v1_74-21104 |
05 | Fundament.esm | Fundament v4_03-41005 |
06 | Slim.esm | #Slim v0_5 without MBP |
07 | Av Latta Magicka.esm | Av Latta Magicka v1_25-49096 |
08 | Cobl Glue.esp | Cobl v1_74-21104 |
09 | Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp | Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3_5_8-5296 |
++ | Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp | Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3_5_8-5296 |
0A | DLCShiveringIsles.esp | #Official Files |
0B | Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp | Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch v1_6_1-10739 |
0C | Cobl Si.esp | Cobl v1_74-21104 |
++ | Cobl Tweaks - SI.esp | Cobl v1_74-21104 |
0D | DLCHorseArmor.esp | #Official Files |
0E | DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp | Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969 |
0F | DLCOrrery.esp | #Official Files |
10 | DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp | Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969 |
11 | DLCVileLair.esp | #Official Files |
12 | DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp | Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969 |
13 | DLCMehrunesRazor.esp | #Official Files |
14 | DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp | Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969 |
15 | DLCSpellTomes.esp | #Official Files |
++ | DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp | Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969 |
16 | DLCThievesDen.esp | #Official Files |
17 | DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp | Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969 |
18 | DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp | Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969 |
19 | DLCBattlehornCastle.esp | #Official Files |
1A | DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp | Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969 |
1B | DLCFrostcrag.esp | #Official Files |
1C | DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp | Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969 |
1D | Knights.esp | #Official Files |
1E | Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp | Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v26-9969 |
1F | Better Dungeons.esp | Better Dungeons v14-40392 |
20 | IWRRetrofittedWindows.esp | Illumination Within Revived Rettrofitted v1_0-11027 |
21 | IWRRetrofittedLights.esp | Illumination Within Revived Rettrofitted v1_0-11027 |
22 | Glowing Varla & Welkynd Stones.esp | Glowing Varla and Welkynd Stones |
23 | ILOO.esp | ILOO - Interior Lighting Oblivion Overhaul v1_0_1-53298 |
24 | OCRAFT.esp | OCRAFT v1_03-51796 |
25 | Travelers of Cyrodiil.esp | Travelers of Cyrodiil v2_2-47619 |
26 | MikaBeautifulCity.esp | Cyrodiil Landscape Design v1_2 Lite-52533 |
** | Cava Obscura - Cyrodiil.esp | Cava Obscura v1_4-35099 |
27 | OCRAFT - Integration.esp | OCRAFT v1_03-51796 |
++ | Location Names With Enemy Tags.esp | Location Names With Enemy Tags v1_1 Fix-33637 |
28 | 0ICWindowsmodwithinteriors.esp | Window models for imperial city v1_2 with ILOO-54391 |
29 | Alternative Beginnings.esp | Alternative Beginnings v1_4_6-37382 |
++ | Balanced NPC Level Cap.esp | Balanced NPC Level Cap v2_00-50094 |
2A | Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp | OCOv2 - Advanced Edition - Vanilla Hairstyles v1_5-52010 |
** | Oblivion_Character_Overhaul_Faces.esp | OCOv2 - Advanced Edition - Vanilla Hairstyles v1_5-52010 |
2B | Enemies Eat and Sleep.esp | Enemies Eat and Sleep v2_0-53589 |
2C | Skyrim Ingredients.esp | Skyrim Ingredients v1_2-41348 |
** | OCOv2 - DLC Addon.esp | Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 - DLC Addon v1_2-52405 |
2D | Delay DLC Start.esp | Delay DLC Start v1_2-52871 |
** | Improved NPC Faces for OCOv2.esp | Improved NPC Faces for OCOv2 v4_7-51971 |
2E | Legion Forester Outposts.esp | Legion Forester Outposts Revisited v2_1-51512 |
2F | Teleportation Services.esp | Teleportation Services v1_0_3-50141 |
30 | Rebalanced and Unleveled QGR.esp | Rebalanced and Unleveled Quest Gold Rewards v1_4-49611 |
31 | LessStaticNPCs.esp | Less Static NPCs - cleaned and UOP compatible v1_2-52833 |
32 | Diverse Highwaymen.esp | Diverse Highwaymen v1_3_1-53223 |
33 | Bandit Hideouts.esp | Bandit Hideouts v1_0_1 Fix-11260 |
34 | Smarter Bandits.esp | Smarter Bandits v1_1 Fix-23296 |
35 | Bralsa Andaren Camp.esp | Bralsa Andaren's Camp v1_0-50233 |
++ | Av Latta Magicka - Shock Ring Addon.esp | Av Latta Magicka - Shock Ring Addon v1_2-52918 |
++ | UOPTalosBridgeCollisionFix.esp | UOP Talos Bridge Collision Fix v1_0-53283 |
++ | LoadingScreens.esp | Loading Screens Themed Replacer v1_0-13012 |
36 | NAO.esp | NAO - Natural and Atmospheric Oblivion v1_0-50923 |
++ | NAO - Vanilla Clouds.esp | NAO - Vanilla Clouds Patch |
** | Symphony of Violence.esp | Symphony of Violence v0_5-13987 |
++ | GOSH - Pickup & Drop.esp | GOSH - Pickup and Drop v1_0-54508 |
37 | IWRRetrofitted - IC Temple Fix.esp | #Illumination Within Revived Retrofitted Patch |
++ | IWRRetrofitted - no Blue Window.esp | #Illumination Within Revived Retrofitted Patch |
38 | IWRRetrofitted - Skingrad Chapel Fix.esp | #Illumination Within Revived Retrofitted Patch |
39 | Light Your Way - SFID.esp | #Actors Have Torches - Light Your Way |
3A | Menu and Camera Toggler.esp | Menu and Camera Toggler v1_2-39435 |
3B | More Fresh Juice.esp | #OCRAFT Patch |
3C | More Cooked Food.esp | #OCRAFT Patch |
3D | OCRAFT - More Station.esp | #OCRAFT Patch |
3E | OCRAFT - Cobl Glue.esp | OCRAFT - Cobl Glue v1_0-54430 |
3F | Skyrim Ingredients Patch.esp | #Skyrim Ingredients Patch |
40 | SOC - Cornucopia.esp | Settlements of Cyrodiil - Cornucopia v1_0-51634 |
++ | SOC - Ingredients Effect Glitch Fix.esp | #Settlements of Cyrodiil Patch |
++ | SOC - Cornucopia Patch.esp | #Settlements of Cyrodiil Patch |
41 | AoG - Is Anybody Home.esp | Is Anybody Home v1-48200 |
42 | Climb.esp | Maskars Climbing Standalone v1_0-48498 |
43 | DarNifiedUI Config Addon.esp | DarNifiedUI Config Addon v1_4-34792 |
44 | FormID Finder4.esp | FormID Finder v4_5_1-16704 |
++ | ELFforFormIDFinder.esp | ELF for FormID Finder v1_00-50892 |
45 | LINK.esp | Link Plus Plus v0_1_4-53352 |
46 | MigFEA.esp | Fundament Enchanting Addons v2_1_3-41553 |
++ | FEA Enhanced.esp | FEA Enhanced v1_0-49214 |
47 | MigTraining.esp | Dynamic Training Cost v1_1-46373 |
48 | QZ Easy Menus.esp | QZ Easy Menus v1_03-23404 |
49 | Improved Chests.esp | Improved Chests v1_13-51815 |
4A | Bibliophilia.esp | Bibliophilia v1_0-51251 |
4B | Status Bars for Needs.esp | Status Bars for Needs v2_0_3-53229 |
4C | Area Harvest.esp | Area Harvest v1_1_2-50219 |
4D | Harvest [Flora].esp | Harvest Flora v3_0_1 Fix-2037 |
++ | Area Harvest Harvest Flora Patch.esp | Area Harvest Harvest Flora Compatibility Patch v1_0_0 Fix-51181 |
4E | Convenient Open Spells.esp | Convenient Open Spells v1_0-53163 |
4F | Take or Equip.esp | Take or Equip v1_6_4-52733 |
50 | MarkOrUnmarkAsQuestItem.esp | Mark Or Unmark As Quest Item v3-49181 |
51 | Near Miss Alerts.esp | Near Miss Alerts v1_0-50936 |
52 | Brooms Tidy Up.esp | Brooms Tidy Up v0_0_2-50864 |
53 | SB_WeaponDropFix.esp | SB Weapon Drop Fix v1_1-50223 |
54 | lBookworm.esp | Bookworm v1_1_1-49769 |
55 | Potion Naming.esp | Custom Potion Naming v1_0_1-49614 |
++ | Potion Naming - Av Latta Magicka Patch.esp | #Custom Potion Naming Patch |
++ | Potion Naming - Script Fix.esp | #Custom Potion Naming Patch |
56 | Extended UI.esp | Extended UI v1_11_1-50135 |
57 | AutoHaggle.esp | AutoHaggle v1_1-52532 |
58 | lSortYourStuff.esp | Sort your Stuff - Universal Alchemy Sorter and More v1_2-49140 |
59 | BrumaGuildReconstructed.esp | Bruma Guild Reconstructed v1_0_3-39415 |
5A | KnightsShrineOfKynarethMapMarker.esp | Knights Shrine Of Kynareth Map Marker v1_0-54434 |
5B | StoneMarkers.esp | Doomstone and Runestone Map Markers v1_1-48667 |
5C | WayshrineMapMarkers.esp | Wayshrine Map Markers v1_1-48729 |
5D | AyleidWellMapMarkers.esp | Ayleid Well Map Markers v1_0-54433 |
5E | Enhanced Hotkeys.esp | Enhanced Hotkeys v2_3_1-34735 |
** | EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp | SR- OCOv2 44676 v1_5a-45859 |
** | APFA_Refined.esp | Assorted Protective Female Armors Refined v1_0-50806 |
5F | Leather Armor N.esp | New Leather Armor LowRes v1_01-53191 |
60 | De Rerum Dirennis.esp | De Rerum Dirennis v1_05-53020 |
61 | ProtocolledDialogs.esp | Protocolled Dialogs v1_1_0 |
** | LFO - Humans Addon.esp | Legion Forester Outposts Revisited v2_1-51512 |
62 | StopDarkBrotherhood.esp | Stop Darkbrotherhood v1_10-14127 |
++ | BrumaGuildReconstructed - Teleportation Services Patch.esp | #Bruma Guild Reconstructed Patch |
++ | BrumaGuildReconstructed - ILOO Patch.esp | #Bruma Guild Reconstructed Patch |
** | EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp | SR- OCOv2 44676 v1_5a-45859 |
++ | Vendors Sell Spell Tomes.esp | Vendors Sell Spell Tomes v1_0_1-51401 |
63 | MI_ElvenHome.esp | Lyria - The Ayleid House v1_0-53704 |
64 | MI_ElvenHome - OCRAFT Patch.esp | #Lyria - The Ayleid House Patch |
65 | MI_ElvenHome - Chorrol Door.esp | #Lyria - The Ayleid House Patch |
++ | Teleportation Services - Portal Conflict Fix.esp | #Teleportation Services Patch |
++ | Balanced NPC Level Cap - DLC Patches.esp | Balanced NPC Level Cap v2_00-50094 |
++ | Balanced Creatures.esp | Balanced Creature Stats v1_0_4-49194 |
++ | Balanced Creatures - DLC.esp | Balanced Creature Stats v1_0_4-49194 |
** | Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp | Harvest Flora v3_0_1 Fix-2037 |
** | Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp | Harvest Flora v3_0_1 Fix-2037 |
** | Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp | Harvest Flora v3_0_1 Fix-2037 |
++ | Actually Useful Books.esp | Actually Useful Books v1_0_1-52821 |
++ | Better Dungeons - Balance Patch.esp | Better Dungeons - Balance Patch v1_0-52558 |
++ | DaedricRequirements.esp | Fame Based Daedric Quest Requirements v1_2-42614 |
66 | DS Storage Sacks.esp | Storage Sacks v1_3-25012 |
** | Female Amulets.esp | Vanilla Amulets fix for HGEC v0_9b-47583 |
67 | Fleshed Out Necromancers.esp | Fleshed-Out Necromancers v1_0-49681 |
++ | Fleshed Out Necromancers - Better Dungeons Patch.esp | #Fleshed-Out Necromancers Patch |
** | Glowing Fractured Soulgems.esp | Glowing Fractured Soulgems v1_2-49962 |
++ | Glowing Fractured Soulgems - Morrowind-like Icons.esp | #Glowing Fractured Soulgems Patch |
68 | Immersive Necro and Conj Loot.esp | Immersive Necromancer and Conjurer Loot v1_0_0-50497 |
++ | Immersive Necro and Conj Loot - Soul Gem Fix.esp | #Immersive Necro and Conj Loot Patch |
** | More_Merchant_Gold.esp | More Merchant Gold v1_1 Fix-48530 |
69 | Mercantile Fix.esp | Mercantile Experience Fix v1_00-50204 |
6A | Oblivion AI Improvement - Search Distance.esp | Oblivion AI Improvement - Search Distance v1_0-53562 |
++ | Quest NPCs Run.esp | Quest NPCs Run v1_7 Fix-49893 |
++ | Quest NPCs Run - Filter Patch for Mods.esp | Quest NPCs Run - Filter Patch for Mods v1_0-49893 |
++ | RebalancedArenaGoldRewards.esp | Rebalanced Arena Gold Rewards v1_1-49866 |
6B | RespawningPearlsGemsGoldSilver.esp | Respawning Pearl Clams and Ore Veins with Gems v1_0_0-50040 |
6C | Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp | Toggleable Quantity Prompt v3_2_0-12859 |
++ | Voices for Female Dremora NPCs.esp | Voices for Female Dremora NPCs v1_0-52498 |
6D | Ragdolls.esp | Ragdolls v1_1-51844 |
** | Ragdolls for Oblivion - Filter Patch for Mods.esp | Ragdolls for Oblivion - Filter Patch for Mods v1_3-52804 |
** | Imperial Legion Consistency Tweaks.esp | Imperial Legion Consistency Tweaks v1_3-53036 |
++ | Better Traps.esp | Better Traps v1_0-47713 |
++ | Balanced Creatures - Knights.esp | #DLC Patch |
6E | Basic Primary Needs.esp | Basic Primary Needs v6_3-37088 |
++ | Basic Primary Needs - Rename Patch.esp | #Basic Primary Needs Patch |
6F | RealisticMagicForceLow.esp | Realistic Physics and Force Package v1_0-5197 |
++ | spelllightfix.esp | Spell light patch v1 Fix-48139 |
70 | StrongholdTeleport.esp | Stronghold Teleport v2_31-34377 |
71 | RefScope.esp | RefScope v2_1_2-21862 |
++ | HueBalancedBirthsigns.esp | Birthsigns for Av Latta Magicka v1_0-53652 |
++ | Av Latta Magicka - Detect Attitude Patch.esp | #Av Latta Magicka Patch |
72 | More Summons.esp | More Summons v1_0-53040 |
++ | More Summons - Spell Tomes DLC Addon.esp | More Summons v1_0-53040 |
++ | Balanced Unleveled Rewards - Spells.esp | #Magic Patch |
73 | MigLockpicking.esp | Real Time Lockpicking - Ultimate Leveling Compatible ESP Replacer v1_0-49898 |
74 | kuerteeCrimeHasWitnesses.esp | Crime Has Witness Responsibility Tweak v0_53-33682 |
75 | Enhanced Grabbing.esp | PiiiP - Enhanced Grabbing v05-19847 |
76 | HumantouchNPC.esp | HumantouchNPC v2_3a EV Fix |
++ | RCB - Realistic Combat Behaviour.esp | Realistic Combat Behaviour - Vanilla v2_2_1-51422 |
++ | RCB - Knightso9 Patch.esp | Realistic Combat Behaviour Patches v2_2_0-51422 |
++ | RCB - UOP Patch.esp | Realistic Combat Behaviour Patches v2_2_0-51422 |
++ | YJsDeadlyWeaponDamage.esp | Deadly Weapon Damage v2019-49407 |
77 | Ultimate Leveling.esp | Ultimate Leveling v1_9_5_2-49134 |
++ | Ultimate Leveling - Selling Power Scroll.esp | #Ultimate Leveling Patch |
++ | Ultimate Leveling - Morrowind-like KCAS.esp | #Ultimate Leveling Patch |
78 | GPCrafting.esp | OCRAFT Crafting Skill v1_0_1-52397 |
** | Cava Obscura - SI.esp | Cava Obscura v1_4-35099 |
** | OCO Eye Glow Revised.esp | OCO Eye Glow Revised v1_1_1-53033 |
** | Better Baurus For OCOv2 (Younger Version).esp | Better Baurus for OCOv2 (Younger Version) Latest-51971 |
++ | OCOv2 - Elf Ear Color Fix.esp | #OCOv2 Patch |
** | Initial Glow Redux.esp | Initial Glow Redux v_3-46961 |
79 | Equipment Set.esp | #Equipment Set for Player |
7A | Equipment Set - Alternative Beginnings.esp | #Equipment Set for Player |
7B | Slim - Race Data Patch.esp | #Slim v0_5 without MBP |
7C | Ascension.esp | Ascension v1_3_5-50237 |
7D | OCRAFT - Ascension.esp | #OCRAFT Patch |
7E | Creature Diversity.esp | Creature Diversity v1_14b-26634 |
++ | Ascension - Better Clutter Icons.esp | Ascension - Better Clutter Icons v1_2-52127 |
++ | Ascension - Creature Diversity Patch Modified.esp | Ascension - Creature Diversity Patch v1_04 Fix-50237 |
7F | Ascension - Creature Addon.esp | Ascension Creature Addon v0_1_0 |
++ | Ascension - UOP Patch.esp | Ascension - All-in-One Push's Tweaks v1_3_2-50237 |
80 | Av Latta Magicka.esp | Av Latta Magicka v1_25-49096 |
81 | Mysticism and Soul Gem Tweaks.esp | Mysticism and Soul Gem Tweaks - Ascension v1_2_1-52152 |
++ | Ascension - Better Leveled Creatures.esp | Ascension - Better Leveled Creatures v1_0-54309 |
82 | Balanced Unleveled Rewards - Complete.esp | Balanced Unleveled Rewards - All-in-One v1_0_6-51050 |
83 | Creature Spawn Chance Fix.esp | Creature Spawn Chance Fix v1_01-50261 |
++ | Av Latta Magicka - Rebalance Complete.esp | Av Latta Magicka v1_25-49096 |
** | PotionReplacer.esp | Retextured Potions v1_2-49068 |
++ | Sensible Sneak.esp | Sensible Sneak v1_0-53475 |
++ | Food Item Flag Fix.esp | #Ingredient Patch |
84 | Enemy Spell Variety.esp | Enemy Spell Variety v1_0-53501 |
++ | Ingredients Convert.esp | #Ingredient Patch |
++ | Better Merchant Items.esp | Better Unique Merchant Items v1_1-53000 |
85 | xulImperialIsle.esp | Unique Landscapes - Imperial Isle v2_0_2-9531 |
** | Cava Obscura - Filter Patch For Mods.esp | Cava Obscura Filter Patch for Mods v1_4_1-35099 |
++ | DispMiscPatch_OCRAFT - Filter Patch for Mods.esp | Miscellaneous Patch Collection by Dispensation v1_2_2-52874 |
** | LoadingScreens - Filter Patch For Mods.esp | LSTR - Filter Patch For Mods v1_1-53321 |
** | OCOv2 - Filter Patch for Mods.esp | OCOv2 - Filter Patch for Mods v2_0_2-51379 |
++ | Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp | Cobl v1_74-21104 |
++ | BasicHarvestFilterPatch.esp | Basic Harvest v1_4-51833 |
86 | Bashed Patch, 0.esp |